It’s Quitting Time

I have put off ordering/reading this book for a year and a half. I had heard about it when I was going through Revelation Wellness Instructor Training back in November 2019 from several new friends.

I really had zero expectations when I picked up this book. God has placed many, many more dreams in my heart. In my mind, I thought I know God has called me I only need to find the time. The first chapter of the book is called “It’s Quitting Time – It’s time we quit arguing with God about our inadequacy and start relying on His capacity.” First part of the chapter talks about letting go of the temptation to measure up, to compete, to stand out to rank. I thought to myself that is so not me. I don’t live my live in comparison with others. Then God humbled me on the last two pages of the chapter.

“Whatever it is for you, whatever goal or attribute or personality characteristic you’ve decided is important for you to master, even maybe to excel in, passing those around you, I’m going to ask you to quit it. Here are a couple of reasons why:

  1. We cannot seek God’s glory and our own at the same time. If any part of our hearts is divided, seeking to win rather than seeking to wonder at His goodness, let’s just quit right now.
  2. We can’t seek to be the girl for the job and the girl who wins at the same time. We can’t seek to be the best while we seek to be obedient to what He’s particularly called us to.
  3. It’s His race, aimed at bringing as many people under the light and life of His love as possible. We do have a race to run. But it’s not our race. It’s a race in which we win the prize and claim the glory for ourselves.
  4. We have to lay aside the desire to be the best. So let’s give up now. Let’s quit. Let’s take ourselves out of the running. It’s God’s job, God’s strength, God’s power, and God’s grace that actually get the work done. To step into this truth, to take our rightful place in this narrative, we’ve got to take ourselves out of the running for His job and take ourselves out of any race that pits us against other people and ourselves. To start, we’ve got to quit.”

The more I stepped back from this chapter the more I laughed at myself. This whole chapter was talking right to my heart. I have ran the race God gifted me with through my career as a CPA. Blessed beyond my wildest imagination. 30 plus years has given me the confidence that I am good at my job. I have put in the long, hard years of working to craft my skill. Prior to Jesus I looked for affirmation through my job. I now see it as a way to help others with things they do not like while providing for my family. It has allowed me the flexibility to be there for my family and my clients.

God brought Revelation Wellness into my life in 2019. Such a God story which will have to be shared at another time. I became a certified Revelation Wellness Fitness Instructor. My dream is to teach women how to get free from all the things that hold them down with their physical and mental health and take them on hiking retreats. Here we are in July 2021 and I have taught one class. It was during tax season along with some very hard personal situations I had to endure. I have felt the defeat of thinking I am not the girl for the job. I have been called to write a devotional book for Christians going through divorce. I want to put create a travel journal. I want to do marriage retreats. Oh and on top of this I will most likely be a pastor’s wife before too long. A new opportunity came up the last week or so and I felt God giving me the green light since it will be fun and so out of my comfort zone. Rob keeps asking me when I am going to get started on all these things. Of course I say my job is too demanding and I don’t have time. This weekend it hit me hard that I am using that as an excuse. I am good and in my comfort zone with my career and stepping out into the unknown will most likely not give me the affirmation that I have after 30 plus years.

How ridiculous is this? I know that with God all things are possible. At the end of the day I want people to know Jesus and be saved. I am to make disciples, proclaim the good news to the lost and advance God’s Kingdom here on earth. I do not believe God is calling me to quit my day job right now so if you are a client you can breathe a sigh of relief. I need to explore getting help or looking at other avenues to open up more time for me to chase the calling He has now placed on my life. Exciting times for new adventures. I no longer want success to be measured my money but by the impact I have on the Kingdom. There is much freedom in this shift.

Excited for you to follow me on this journey.

In His Strength,


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