Have I Certified Myself?

It has been a while since I posted here on my blog. Most days I post on Instagram. It’s a mini-blog in many ways. I use WordPress for this blog and it has definitely changed since I first started this back in May 2010. Finding it a little bit more cumbersome to add pictures, etc. Yet, here I am learning new things.

I started listening to Garrain Jones after finding him on the Ed Mylett podcast. He does these free live breakthrough sessions on Instagram. People pay him A LOT of money to coach them. The cool thing is that he gives back to those who would never be able to pay him his fee.

This week a lady was working a FT job and starting a new business on the side. Her hope is to do the new business FT eventually. She started out telling him all the certifications she has in the new business. He stopped her and asked her if she had certified herself. She was taken aback and really did not understand what he was asking her.

“Certifying yourself is a confidence and belief thing. I am called to do this and I am going to do this regardless. Therefore, I verify and certify myself.” Garrain Jones

When I heard these words it was like a hug from God. I started to say gut punch but my loving God would never do that to me. I have been called to start a ministry Active Abundance. God has made it very clear. We are actually in our third year!! Again, He has been very kind to finally give me traction to start making progress to share the vision and mission with others. Starting a new ministry with a full time career means things are going to need to change. I know that and yet have been disobedient in making the changes. A lot of identity wrapped up in the things God is asking me to give up. Loss of significant income. I can go on and on.

But God is faithful. I have been in these seasons before and yet the difference this time is deep down is a lie from the enemy telling me that I am not equipped to do the next thing. I can give all the reasons why in my flesh I am not the girl for the job. But God tells me He has chosen me for such a time as this and yes, I am the girl for the job!

The important thing is not that I certify myself but knowing that God has certified me. This is what needs to be firmly planted in my heart.

What has God called you to do with your life? Are you being obedient and doing the work to get there? For me, my disobedience was causing me to have no rest in God. Trusting God is better than any plan offered by this world. Believe that God certifies and believe that you also certify yourself!

In His Strength,


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